
Wednesday, November 30, 2011



進度:Part II, Chapter 16- Chapter 17
負責同學:Marissa, Jessie, Michelle


  1. Michael went to the judge because neither he dare visit Hanna nor he could endure doing nothing. Michael explained why he could not stand doing nothing as preventing the miscarriage of justice but actually he wanted to have influence toward Hanna. But he still did not tell the judge. When Michael took the train home he was surrounded by so many passengers, conversations, and smell but he felt nothing. Michael felt numb again and felt it is right to be silence about Hanna’s secret so that he could return to his normal life.

    Only Hanna was sentenced to life, others received terms in jail. The court was full of people and was noisy at first. Then everyone in the court noticed Hanna’s wearing which looked like woman’s uniform working for SS and fell silent. People were irritated by Hanna’s wearing and someone even shouted at her. After the judge announced the verdict, Michael waited for Hanna to look back at him. While Hanna looked straight ahead and her face looked proud, wound, lost, and infinitely tired look. She wore a look that wished to see nothing and no one.

    After the trial, Michael spent all his summer in the reading room. Michael felt numb and avoided every contacts even his family. While he abnormally joined the Christmas vacation during which he rested his life skiing extremely dangerous slope and neglected coldness. He even enjoyed fevering until he was knocked down by fever. After recover, Michael had feelings again and realized that numbness only let him go after overwhelmed his body.

    When Michael finished his studies, it happened to the student upheavals. One of the issues was about Nazi. Michael thought that the generation conflict was not because the past which is just a form. But in another aspect, the Nazi was the issue itself. The history was collective guilt, which filled the follow generation with shame. Condemning guilty parties or parents could only help the follow generation overcome the suffering while Michael has no one to point at. He tried to convince himself that he was innocence to love a criminal but he found he had more difficult to evade the pain which happened to the German altogether.

  2. P.158
    1. miscarriage 失敗
    1. shirtsleeves 襯衫
    2. civil servant 公僕
    3.chitchat 閒談;閒聊
    1. car pool 共乘的車
    2. settle over 籠罩
    1. verdict (陪審團的)裁定;裁決
    2. hand down 宣判;向下級法院發送
    3. term 刑期
    4. nudge (為引起注意而用臂肘)輕碰
    1. audibly 可聽見的
    2. vociferous 吵雜的;吵鬧的
    1. deaden 消滅;減弱
    (to make or become less sensitive, intense, lively)
    2. lodge 小屋
    1. succumb 屈服
    2. oblivious 不以為意的
    3. light 暈眩的
    4. muffled 隱約的;模糊不清的
    5. cottony 似棉的
    6. padded 像墊了一層墊子
    7. upheaval (社會等的)動亂
    8. clerk with a judge 當一個法官的書記
    clerk 作辦事員(書記)
    1. Vietcong 越共(越南共產主義者)
    2. come to grips with : to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation
    3. agitate 鼓動;煽動
    4. nullify 使無效
    5. Reich 德意志帝國
    6. Jewish 猶太人的
    1. deface 毀壞…的表面
    2. swastikas 納粹黨徽
    3. conformity 遵從;順從
    1. perpetrator 犯罪者
    2. voyeur 窺淫狂
    3. willfully 蓄意地
    4. accommodator 姑息者
    5. swagger 狂妄的
    6. self-righteousness 自以為是的
    7. parade 誇耀
    8. rhetoric 虛誇的話
    9. drown out 淹沒
    10. irrevocably 不能挽回地
    11. complicit 有同謀關係的
    12. in a way 在某種程度上
    13. evade 逃避

  3. 1. Why didn’t Michael feel cold when he skied in a shirt?
    2. Why did Michael become numb again after his meeting with the judge?
    3. What kinds of emotions did Michael feel about Hanna? And where are the similar situations?
