
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


第十五週 :

進度:Part III Chap. 6- Chap. 8
頁碼:pp. 187-199
負責同學:Cynthia, Danny


  1. overview

    Chapter 6
    Michael got a thank-you note in the fourth year of his contact with Hanna, and Michael realized that Hanna had learned to read and write. Michael felt proud of Hanna, but also sorry for her. After the note Hanna wrote to Michael regularly. Michael never wrote to Hanna but kept reading to her, and he kept all her notes.

    Chapter 7
    Michael received a letter from the warden. In the letter the warden said that Hanna could be released for a short time. She requested that Michael help re-socializing Hanna and visit Hanna before the releasing. Michael was troubled by the news. He decided to help but put off the visit. Finally, the warden called Michael, and Hanna was going to be released.

    Chapter 8
    Michael came to the prison and met Hanna there. He was stunned by her aged appearance. He sat by her and remembered that she always smelled fresh in the past, but now she smelled like an old woman. Then they began to talk. Michael told Hanna about his life since their relationship. After the talk, Michael said goodbye to Hanna and return home.

  2. questions

    1.Why did Michael put off the visit to Hanna? (193)

    2.In the prison, when Michael saw Hanna and sat down beside her, what did he first remember? (196)

    3.Why didn’t Hanna feel right when Michael took her in his arms? (199)

  3. P187
    word-driven 以文字驅動的(以文字為基礎而建立的)
    torn 撕(tear)
    Smudged 污跡、暈開
    ballpoint pen 原子筆
    imprint 字跡
    legible 字跡清楚的;易辨認的
    glance 掃視
    clumsy 笨拙的
    awkward 笨拙的

  4. P188
    overcome 克服
    forced 強迫的
    upstroke、downstroke 往上、往下的筆跡
    slant 傾斜
    jubilation 喜悅
    lay…head on 抓到
    helplessness 無助感
    stick to 堅持;忠於
    prescribed patterns 既定模式
    courage 勇氣

  5. P189
    tackled 抓住
    forsythia 連翹屬的植物
    storm 暴風雨
    remark 注意
    literature 文學
    astonishingly 吃驚
    Schnitzler 史尼茲勒(奧地利作家、劇作家,1862-1931)
    Stefan Zweig 史蒂芬茨威格(奧地利猶太裔作家,1881-1942)
    Goethe 歌德(德國作家,1749-1832)
    Lenz 倫茨(德國作家,1751-1792)
    contemporaries 當代
    astonished 驚訝
    Ignorant 忽略

  6. P190
    Particularly 特別
    never established a definite rhythm 沒有建立明確的節奏(指寄錄音帶的時間不固定)
    fluid 流暢
    acquired 取得
    characterizes 特色

  7. P191
    removed 遠離的、間隔的
    situation 情況
    appeal for clemency 懇求仁慈
    parole board 假釋委員會

  8. P192
    sewing 縫紉
    occasionally 偶爾
    congregation 集會
    authorities 官方
    opportunity 機會
    institution 慣例、習慣
    Extraordinary 非常好

  9. P193
    penal 刑事的
    tailor 裁縫師
    employ 雇用
    Precisely 仔細的
    reform 改革
    secular 世俗的
    Artificial 人工
    withstand 承受

  10. P195
    search 在監獄的入口被檢查
    move about freely 自由走動
    corridor 走廊
    lawn 草坪
    shade 樹蔭
    chestnut 栗子樹
    furrow 皺紋
    brow 眉頭、額
    cheek 臉頰
    thigh 大腿

  11. P196
    lap 膝
    crumb 屑
    sparrow 麻雀
    scan 掃描、細看
    seek 尋求、尋找
    inquire 詢問
    Uncertain 不確定的
    weary 疲倦的
    sniff 嗅
    soak up 沉浸、沐浴
    armpit 腋下
    waist 腰
    tinge 色澤
    Hollow 陷下
    Leather 皮革

  12. P197
    ticket puncher 軋票鉗
    soapsuds 肥皂泡
    Betray 洩漏
    scent 香味
    betray 流露出(不是很確定…)
    hall 大廳
    Curse 詛咒

  13. P198
    meager 微薄的、不足的
    niche 適當的地方
    Certainly 毫無疑問
    indignantly 憤怒地
    Chase…away 趕走
    boarding school 提供寄宿的學校
    hoopla 喧鬧、騷動
