
Monday, October 24, 2011



進度:Part II Chapter 2- Chapter 4
頁碼:pp. 90-104
負責同學:Amy, Vicky, Carol


  1. Carol said,
    Chapter two
    There was a trial held in spring dealing with the camps and Nazi past when Michael pursued his legal studies. Hence, he enrolled in a seminar, which required exploring the record gathered during the preceding trial. The students in the seminar also developed a strong group identity and considered themselves to be radical explorers. Each of them was eager to morally condemn everyone living in Germany, including their parents, for they had tolerated the perpetrators in the midst after World War II.
    Chapter three
    In the courtroom, Michael saw Hanna again. However, it was not until she was called as a defendant that he recognized her. As she stood and confirmed her identity, he recalled the memory about her even though he couldn’t see her face. What Hanna testified during the trial was irritated the judge and remained the impression that she applied the guard of her own accord. At that moment, Michael was jolted. He found that he wanted her being in custody and far away from him.
    Chapter four
    Michael didn’t skip any trial. As the trial went on, the other defendants merely interacted with each other, and Hanna seemed to be isolated from them on account of her serious demeanor. During the trial, Michael observed her reaction from behind. The familiar back made him recall having sex with her; however, he was totally unfeeling. Eventually, the horrors of the court testimony left everyone numb. He tried to come up with an appropriate reaction to the Nazi atrocities, and wondered whether the second generation should fall silent in revulsion or shame.

  2. Vicky said:


    1.Why did Michael enroll in the seminar?(p.93 line11)
    2.Why did Michael assume it was both natural and right that Hanna should be in custody?(p.97 last paragraph)
    3.What’s the variation between the reactions of the people in the court during the first weeks and after that?(p.102 line11)

  3. Pg.90
    1) courtroom (n.)法庭、審判室
    2) trail (n.)審判
    3) camp (n.)軍營
    4) seminar (n.)研究小組
    5) evaluate (v.)評價、評定
    6) prohibition (n.)禁止、禁令
    7) retroactive (adj.)溯及既往的
    ─operative with respect to past occurrences, as a statute; retrospective
    8) ordinance (n.)法規、條例
    9) convict (vt.)宣判有罪
    10) statute (n.)法令、法規
    1) enact (v.)制定法律→約定俗成
    2) exile (n.)流亡、離鄉背井
    3) detachment (n.)公平無私 (常用解釋:分開)
    4) defendant (n.)被告者
    5) dispensation (n.)特免、特許(常用解釋:分配)
    6) session (n.)開庭期
    in session 正在進行中
    7) word-for-word (adj.)一字不漏的
    8) radical (adj.)急進的、極端的
    9) whirl (v.)使旋轉
    10) settle over 定居
    1) prelude (n.)序幕、前奏曲→起頭者
    2) banish (v.)驅逐出境 (用法:加上from+地方)
    3) midst (n.)中央、正中
    4) judiciary (n.)司法部門
    5) to the extent that… 在…的範圍內
    6) sentence (n.)判決
    7) perpetrator (n.)犯罪者
    8) identity (n.)身分、主體性
    1) alienate (v.)使疏離、使不合
    2) repel (v.)使厭惡、使感到不愉快
    3) assimilate (v.)吸收
    4) repulsive (adj.)厭惡的
    5) enlighten (v.)啟發、給予知識
    6) triumphantly (adv.)耀武揚威的
    7) enroll (v.)加入(團體)
    8) sheer (adj.)純粹的
    9) tort (n.)﹝律﹞民事的侵犯或侵害行為
    10) zeal (n.)熱情、熱忱
    11) scholarly (adj.)學者氣質的、有學問的
    12) political (adj.)政治的
    13) fervor (n.)熱情、熱誠
    1) motion (n.)建議、提議
    2) recuse (v.)要求撤換
    3) examination (n.)審問
    4) bubble (+over) 情緒高漲
    5) exhilaration (n.)高興、興奮
    bubble over with exhilaration 樂不可支
    1) devoid (adj.)全無的、缺乏的(+of)
    2) gloomy (adj.)黯淡的
    3) pomposity (n.)壯麗的
    4) assize (n.)法定標準
    ─Usually, assizes. a trial session, civil or criminal, held periodically in specific locations in England, usually by a judge of a superior court
    5) prosecutor (n.)檢察官
    6) silhouette (n.)黑色半身側面影
    ─a dark image outlined against a lighter background.
    7) robe(n.)(法官穿的)法衣
    8) knot (n.)(蝴蝶)結
    1) foreman (n.)領班、工頭
    2) defense attorney (n.)辯護律師
    3) jargon (n.)術語、難懂的話
    ─the language, especially the vocabulary, peculiar to a particular trade, profession, or group
    4) hasty (adj.)草率的、匆忙的
    5) zealous (adj.)熱情的
    6) tirade (n.)抨擊性的演說
    7) recruit (v.)徵募新人
    1) monosyllable (n.)單音節字
    2) gravity (n.)嚴重性、重要性
    3) agitation (n.)鼓動、煽動
    4) rationale (n.)所依據的理由
    5) malicious (adj.)惡意的
    6) underline (v.)強調
    7) irony (n.)說反話、譏諷
    8) jolt (v.)使慌張、震驚
    9) custody (n.)拘禁
    10) allegation (n.)(沒有證據的)空言、斷言、主張
    ─an assertion made with little or no proof.
    11) unattainable (adj.)難達到的
    1) suppress (v.)隱瞞(事實)
    2) particular (adj.)特殊的、特有的
    3) obstructionist (n.)阻擾議事進行者
    ─a person who deliberately delays or prevents progress
    4) compel (vt.)強迫、迫使
    5) pointless (adj.)無意義的、無效力的
    6) summons (n.)(法院的)傳票
    ─an authoritative command, message, or signal by which one is summoned.
    7) detention (n.)拘留
    1) proceeding (n.)訴訟程序
    1) decode (v.)解讀→仔細端詳回憶
    ─to extract meaning from (spoken or written symbols).
    2) erect (adj.)豎立的
    3) slander (v.)誹謗、造謠中傷
    4) overrule (vt.)批駁、宣布無效
    5) key (v.)以栓使牢固→僵直(身子)
    6) strand (n.)一綹(頭髮)
    7) draft (n.)拖拉、牽曳(常用解釋:草稿、草圖)
    8) neckline (n.)領口
    9) birthmark (n.)胎記
    10) retrieve (v.)檢索出(資料) (常用解釋:取回、收回)
    11) numb (v.)使麻木【注意b不發音】
    numbness (n.)麻木
    12) poke (v.)刺、戳、插入
    1) pinch (v.)捏
    2) register (v.)顯示、指示
    3) sensation (n.)知覺、感覺
    4) anesthesia (n.)麻痺、麻木、感覺缺失
    5) inwardly (adv.)內在的、心靈的
    6) rhetorical (adj.)詞藻華麗的
    7) pugnacity (n.)好鬥、喜戰
    8) jab (v.)戳、刺
    9) pedantry (n.)賣弄學問的人
    10) truculence (n.)野蠻、凶狠
    1) shrill (n.)尖銳的聲音
    2) reinflate (v.) (使)再膨脹
    3) hiss (v.)發出噓聲(表示責難、憤怒)
    ─to express disapproval or contempt by making this sound
    4) lay (adj.)局外的
    5) recount (v.)重新計算→重複
    6) choking (adj.)(聲音)因感動而嘶啞的
    7) agitated (adj.)激動的、不安的
    8) thread (n.)(說話、理論的)思路、條理(常用解釋:線)
    9) travel bug
    10) intrusion (n.)闖入、侵入
    1) survivor (n.)生還者、遺物
    2) gas (vi)空談
    3) chamber (n.)房間
    4) paralysis (n.)停滯、無力(常用解釋:麻痺)
    5) petrify (v.) (使)僵硬、(使)失去活力
    6) preoccupied (adj)出神的、心不在焉的
    7) liken (v.)比擬(人、事物)
    8) comparison (n.)比擬、比喻
    1) indignation (n.)氣憤、憤慨
    2) demur (v.)提出抗議、抗辯異議
    3) incomprehensible (adj.)無法理解的
    4) incomparable (adj.)不能比較的、無法比喻的
    5) inquire (v.)詢問、探究
    6) revulsion (n.)(心情的)劇變
    ─a sudden and violent change of feeling or response in sentiment, taste, etc.

  4. Carpe Diem" joke
    Carpe Diem Seize the Day
    Carpet Diem Seize the Carpet
    Car Payment Diem Seize the Checkbook
    Carpe Diarrheam Seize the Toilet Paper
    Carpe Duh Seize the Idiot
    Carp Diem Fish of the Day
    Crampy Diem Seize the Midol
    Carpe Diet Seize the Rice Cakes
    Carpe Dig'Em Seize the Sugar Smacks
    Carpal Diem Seize the Knuckles
    Carnal Diem Seize the Smut
    Carpe Diplomam Seize the Sheepskin

    source: http://www.jokebuddha.com/joke/Carpe_Diem#ixzz1bsFN2GID
