
Saturday, October 15, 2011



進度:Part I Chapter 15- Chapter 17; Part II Chapter 1
頁碼:pp. 74-89
負責同學:William, Tom, and William


  1. Tom say

    1. Acknowledge verb (used with object) 承認
    to admit to be real or true; recognize the existence, truth, or fact of
    2. Disavowal noun 抵賴
    a disowning; repudiation; denial.
    3. Disown verb (used with object) 不認…
    to refuse to acknowledge as belonging or pertaining to oneself; deny the ownership of or responsibility for; repudiate; renounce
    4. Discretion noun 酌處權
    The power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice
    5. Underpinnings noun 基礎
    Often, underpinnings. a foundation or basis
    6. Flamboyant adjective 華麗的
    1.strikingly bold or brilliant; showy
    2.florid; ornate; elaborately styled
    7. Coalesce verb (used without object) 合流
    1. To grow together or into one body
    2. To blend or come together
    8. Give away Verb phrases 洩漏
    to reveal (a confidence or secret, hidden motives, truefeelings, etc.)
    9. Belatedly adjective 晚的
    1. coming or being after the customary, useful, or expected time
    2. late, delayed, or detained
    10. Misrepresent verb (used with object) 歪曲
    to represent incorrectly, improperly, or falsely.
    11. Overhang noun 懸垂
    Architecture . a projecting upper part of a building, as a roof or balcony.
    12. Crackle verb (used without object) 打雷聲
    to make slight, sudden, sharp noises, rapidly repeated.
    13. Shed noun 棚
    a slight or rude structure built for shelter, storage, etc.
    14. Gust noun 陣風
    a sudden, strong blast of wind.
    15. Transfusion noun 輸血/吊點滴
    Medicine/Medical . the direct transferring of blood, plasma, or the like into a blood vessel.
    16. Duck verb (used with object) 忽略
    to avoid or evade (a blow, unpleasant task, etc.); dodge
    17. Plum noun 李子
    the drupaceous fruit of any of several trees belonging to the genus Prunus, of the rose family, having an oblong stone.
    18. Sheriff noun 警長
    the law-enforcement officer of a county or other civil subdivision of a state.
    19. Duel noun 決鬥
    a prearranged combat between two persons, fought with deadly weapons according to an accepted code of procedure, especially to settle a private quarrel.
    20. Peremptory adjective 蠻橫的
    1.leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative
    2.imperious or dictatorial.
    21. Palpably adjective 明顯的
    readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, capable of being touched or felt; tangible
    22. Torment verb (used with object) 折磨
    to afflict with great bodily or mental suffering; pain
    23. Snap at verb (used without object) 厲聲說
    to utter a quick, sharp sentence or speech, especially a command, reproof, retort, etc. (often followed by at ).

  2. Tom says
    24. Smock noun 罩衫
    a loose, lightweight overgarment worn to protect the clothing while working.
    25. Underneath preposition 在…下面
    below the surface or level of; directly or vertically beneath; at or on the bottom of.
    26. Lavender noun 薰衣草
    any Old World plant or shrub belonging to the genusLavandula, of the mint family, especially L. angustifolia, having spikes of fragrant, pale purple flowers.
    27. Damp adjective 潮濕的
    slightly wet; moist
    28. Dismiss verb (used with object) 打發
    to bid or allow (a person) to go; give permission or a request to depart.
    29. Shimmer verb (used without object) 發微光
    to appear to quiver or vibrate in faint light or while reflecting heat waves.
    30. Asphalt noun 瀝青
    a mixture of such substances with gravel, crushed rock, or the like, used for paving.
    31. Numb adjective 麻木
    lacking or deficient in emotion or feeling; indifferent
    32. Chlorinated verb (used with object) 氯化的
    to disinfect (water) by means of chlorine.
    33. Blouse noun 女用襯衫
    a usually lightweight, loose-fitting garment for women and children, covering the body from the neck or shoulders more or less to the waistline, with or without a collar and sleeves, worn inside or outside a skirt, slacks.
    34. Compulsion noun 強迫作用(一種難以抵制的衝動)
    the state or condition of being compelled.
    35. Telephone booth noun 電話亭
    a more or less soundproof booth containing a public telephone.
    Also called, telephone box .
    36. Personnel department noun 人事部
    the department in an organization dealing with matters involving employees, as hiring, training, labor relations, and benefits.
    Also called human resources department.
    37. Take (great) pains to do something: to try very hard to do something
    38. Slam verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 猛地關上
    to shut with force and noise: to slam the door.
    39. Halfheartedness noun 半心半意
    A state of having or showing little enthusiasm
    40. Grope verb (used with object) 撫摸
    to touch or handle (someone) for sexual pleasure.
    41. Formulate verb (used with object) 制定
    to express in precise form; state definitely or systematically
    42. Dismissive adjective 不屑一顧的
    indicating lack of interest or approbation; scornful; disdainful.
    43. Tuberculosis noun 肺結核
    an infectious disease that may affect almost any tissue of the body, especially the lungs, caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis(結核分枝桿菌), and characterized by tubercles.
    44. Sanatorium noun 療養院
    a hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases, as tuberculosis or various nervous or mental disorders.
    45. bring a lump to your throat
    if something someone says or does brings a lump to your throat, it makes you feel such strong emotions that you want to cry
    EX.I thought it was a very moving speech. It almost brought a lump to my throat.
    46. Juxtaposition noun 平行的
    the state of being close together or side by side.
    47. Callous adjective 冷酷
    insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic

  3. William says:

    1.Why did Michael not go to see Hanna when they meet accidently at the swimming pool?

    2.What kind of movie which Hanna and Michael both liked it?

    3.Why did Sophie not go to school afterward?

  4. William says:
    Michael begins to feel that he is betraying Hanna because he will not tell his friends about her. Sophie and his friends know that he routinely spends a large amount of time away from them. One evening Sophie and Michael get caught in a thunderstorm so they take shelter in a shed. Sophie asks Michael what’s wrong in his life. Michael says it does not have anything to do with illness, but chooses not to confide in Sophie.
    Hanna continues to refuse Michael any large part in her life. When Michael happens to see the same movie she will discuss it with him during their meetings, but she will not allow him to accompany her to the theater. In July, Michael notices that Hanna becomes moody and peremptory. Then one day Hanna seems particularly open and loving. She gently and carefully bathes Michael and spoils and indulges him. Afterwards he leaves her apartment and joins his friends at a public swimming pool. Hours later Michael happens to look up and see Hanna, in the distance, staring at him. He ponders why Hanna is there. But suddenly, Hanna disappears.
    One day Hanna disappears. Michael returns to her apartment to find it locked up. He tries to telephone her at the streetcar company but is informed that she has quit her job. Then he telephones the landlord in hope of further information and is told that she has moved out. Afterwards Michael goes to ask the streetcar supervisor. The streetcar supervisor says she didn’t accept his promotion but quit the job. Michael misses Hanna physically and emotionally and blames himself for her disappearance.
    About six months after Hanna vanishes, Michael's family moves across town. Meanwhile Sophie is diagnoses with tuberculosis and is sent away to a sanatorium to recover. Michael finishes high school in the spring of 1962 and starts university in the fall, choosing to study law. He becomes determined to never be humiliated again, to never feel guilt, and to not love. Sophie returns from the sanatorium after three years and commences again her relationship with Michael. Aside from sexual intercourse, Michael is not interested in Sophie. He has no difficulty in anything but just misses Hanna.

  5. Answers
    1.P74 第一段
    2.P78 line 6
    3.P89 line 2
